
Bite-Sized Instructional Videos

Cybersecurity: Keeping Our Digital World Safe

Video 1 - What is cybersecurity

In today's high-tech world, where we use computers, smartphones, and the internet for almost everything, keeping our digital lives safe from harm is essential. That's where cybersecurity comes in.

Password Security: Your Digital Lock and Key

Video 2 - Password Security

In the digital world, your password is like a key to your house. The special code lets you in, and it's vital to keep it safe. Let's explore what password security is all about and why it's important. What Are Passwords? Think of your password as a secret word or phrase that you create to unlock your digital stuff, like your email, social media accounts, or even your online games. Just like you wouldn't want anyone to have a key to your house, you don't want others to have your password. Passwords are like the first line of defense for your digital world. They protect your personal information, messages, and even your money. If someone figures out your password, they can access your accounts, post things as you do, or even steal your stuff. That's why keeping your passwords secure is crucial.

Antivirus Software: Your Digital Defender

Video 3 - Antivirus Software

There are many antivirus programs available, some free and some paid. When choosing one, consider your needs and budget. Look for one that's easy to use and regularly updates its virus database. Popular options like McAfee, Norton, and Avast are widely trusted. Antivirus software is like a digital defender that protects your computer or device from viruses and malware. Just like we take medicine to stay healthy, having antivirus software is essential in keeping your digital life secure. It provides protection, peace of mind, and a worry-free online experience. So, while you might not need a knight to protect your castle, having antivirus software is your digital knight guarding your digital kingdom.

Firewalls - Your Digital Security Guard

Video 4 - Firewalls

Discover the crucial role of firewalls in cybersecurity with our simple, bite-sized guide. Just as a house needs locked doors and windows for safety, your computer requires its form of protection: Firewalls. Dive into the world of digital protection as we compare firewalls to bouncers at a party, decide who gets in and out, and ensure only the good guys can access your data. From understanding hardware and software firewalls to the basics of packet inspection, this short video is your key to unlocking the fundamentals of a secure online experience.

Phishing Attacks - Sneaky Online Tricks

Video 5 - Phishing (fishing) Attacks

In this quick cybersecurity lesson, we're diving into phishing attacks - those sneaky online tricks that can compromise digital security. Learn how to spot and defend against these deceptive tactics that impersonate trusted sources like banks, friends, or companies. Discover the telltale signs of phishing emails, such as urgent requests and too-good-to-be-true offers. We'll equip you with valuable tips, from checking sender emails and searching for typos to verifying requests and trusting your instincts. Join us for this bite-sized cybersecurity lesson and increase your online security awareness!

Malware - Sneaky Digital Nasties

Video 6 - Malware

Discover the world of "Sneaky Digital Nasties" in this quick and informative video. Think of malware as the crafty bug of the digital world, capable of causing chaos and compromising your devices. Learn what malware is and how to safeguard your digital life from its various forms, including viruses, spyware, and ransomware. We'll share essential tips like being cautious with downloads, keeping software updated, and using antivirus software to fortify your digital defenses. Watch to the end for steps to take if you suspect a malware infestation. Stay safe online with these practical insights!

Two-Factor Authentication - Your Double Lock for Digital Doors

Video 7 - 2FA

In this informative video, we dive deep into Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), a crucial tool for safeguarding your online accounts and data. With cyber threats on the rise, it's more important than ever to protect your digital presence. Online security is a top priority, and 2FA provides an additional layer of defense beyond just passwords. Whether you're a beginner looking to enhance your online safety or an expert wanting to brush up on best practices, this video has something for everyone. Don't leave your accounts vulnerable to hackers! Join us in this journey to empower yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to stay protected in today's digital age. Hit the like button, share with your friends, and subscribe for cybersecurity tips and tricks!

Safe Browsing Best Practices - Simple-Cyber Bite-Sized Cyber - A Guide to a Secure Online Experience

Video 8 - Safe Browsing

Join us for another insightful lesson as we delve into Safe Browsing Best Practices: A Guide to a Secure Online Experience. This quick and informative video will cover essential tips to help you navigate the digital world safely in eight minutes or less. The internet offers endless opportunities in today's digital age, but being aware of the risks is crucial. Learn how to protect yourself with simple yet effective strategies: Use Secure Websites with HTTPS, Keep Software Updated, Utilize Reputable Antivirus Programs Beware of Email Attachments and Phishing Attempts, Create Strong, Unique Passwords and Enable Two-Factor Authentication Exercise Caution on Public Wi-Fi Networks Verify the Legitimacy of Websites Educate Yourself and Others about Online Safety By implementing these practices, you can safeguard your personal information, privacy, and online security. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your cybersecurity knowledge, this video has something for everyone. Don't miss out on enhancing your digital safety. Watch now and empower yourself with the tools to navigate the online world securely!

Data Backups - Your Digital Safety Net

Video 9 - Data Backups

In today's lesson, we're diving into the importance of data backups – your digital safety net. Accidents happen, computers can fail, viruses lurk, and human errors occur. That's where data backups come in. They're your insurance policy against the unexpected in the digital world. Join us as we explore why data backups are crucial for keeping your digital life safe and sound. From spilled drinks to ransomware threats, we'll cover it all. Discover various backup methods, including external hard drives, USB flash drives, network attached storage (NAS), cloud storage, and automated backup software. Learn how to identify what's important, choose the right backup method, set up regular backups, verify your backups, and store them securely. Don't let data loss be a nightmare scenario. Take control of your digital safety with data backups. Thank you for watching, and stay safe in the digital world!

Digital Privacy - Guarding Your Online Secrets

Video 10 - Digital Privacy 🔏

Unlock the secrets to digital privacy with Simple-Cyber's latest lesson! In this episode, we explore safeguarding your online identity and personal information. Discover why digital privacy matters and learn practical tips to protect yourself in today's interconnected world. We've covered you, from creating strong passwords to enabling Two-Factor Authentication. Join us as we explore the invisible cloak of digital privacy and empower you to take control of your online security.

Unlocking Digital Secrets -The Power of Encryption Explained

Video 11 - Encryption

In this engaging and informative video, we delve into the world of encryption, demystifying this powerful tool that keeps your digital information safe from prying eyes. Learn how encryption works, from transforming your messages into secret codes to ensuring that only you and authorized recipients can decipher them. Explore why encryption is essential for protecting your privacy, securing your data, and maintaining confidentiality online. Join us as we discuss practical ways to use encryption in everyday life, from secure messaging apps and encrypted email services to SSL/TLS encryption on websites and virtual private networks (VPNs). Discover how encryption can safeguard your identity, preserve your confidentiality, and build trust in your online interactions. Whether you're a digital novice or a seasoned tech enthusiast, "Unlocking Digital Secrets" offers valuable insights into the world of encryption and its importance in today's interconnected digital landscape. Watch now and unlock the power of encryption to keep your digital world safe and secure.

Transport Layer Security - Safeguarding Your Online Communication

Video 12 - TLS

Unlock the secrets behind TLS (Transport Layer Security) in our latest video! Join us as we delve into this essential cryptographic protocol to safeguard your online communications. From encrypting data to authenticating servers and ensuring data integrity, TLS plays a pivotal role in securing your interactions on the internet. Learn how TLS handshake initiates secure connections, how encryption algorithms keep your data safe, and how authentication protocols verify the identity of servers. Discover the crucial role TLS plays in protecting sensitive information and maintaining privacy online.

Simple-Cyber-Public Wi-Fi-Risk versus reward - Warnings - Types of Attacks - How to Protect Yourself

Video 13 - Public Wi-Fi

Welcome to Simple-Cyber's latest lesson: Public Wi-Fi - Risk versus Reward. This informative video explores the convenience of public Wi-Fi networks and their significant security risks. Learn about the various attacks cybercriminals can execute on unsecured networks and discover essential tips to safeguard your online privacy. Public Wi-Fi networks lack encryption, making them prime targets for cyber attacks such as Man-in-the-Middle Attacks, Rogue Hotspots, and Malware Distribution. But fear not! We also provide actionable steps to protect yourself: By utilizing tools like Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), and practicing cautious browsing habits, you can mitigate the risks associated with public Wi-Fi and enjoy a safer online experience. Don't miss out on this essential guide to navigating the risks of public Wi-Fi. Watch, learn, and empower yourself with the knowledge to stay safe in the digital world. Remember to like, share, and subscribe for more bite-sized cybersecurity insights from Simple-Cyber.

Simple-Cyber - IPsec - Relevant or ready to be retired?

Video 14 - Public IPsec

Unlock the secrets of IPsec with Simple-Cyber's latest lesson! In this episode, we dive deep into Internet Protocol Security (IPsec), exploring its relevance in today's cybersecurity landscape. From securing site-to-site and remote access VPNs to protecting against network attacks, IPsec remains a vital component of modern network security architectures. Join us as we dissect the critical components of IPsec, including Authentication Header (AH), Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), and Security Associations (SAs). Learn how IPsec operates in transport and tunnel modes, and discover why it's a preferred choice for safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring the privacy of network communications.