What is a VPN and how does it work?

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is like a secret online bodyguard that keeps your internet activities safe and private. It's like having a superhero cloak for your internet connection.

Heidi Cox

10/6/20232 min read

black tablet computer turned on displaying VPNblack tablet computer turned on displaying VPN

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is like a secret online bodyguard that keeps your internet activities safe and private. It's like having a superhero cloak for your internet connection.

Here's how it works:

You're constantly sending and receiving information on the internet. Think of it like sending and receiving letters. But nosy neighbors (like your Internet Service Provider or ISP) might peek at your notes.

Now, with a VPN, your letters magically turn into secret codes before they leave your house. These secret codes go to a particular superhero server somewhere far away before they reach the internet. So, even if nosy neighbors try to look at your letters, they can't understand them because they are in secret code!

Another cool thing is that this superhero server makes it look like you live in a different place, not your actual home.

So, you get double benefits:

your internet stuff is safe, and it's like you're invisible online!

Here's how it happens:

The VPN company has many of these superhero servers worldwide. You use their special app on your computer or phone to choose which superhero server you want to send your secret codes to. Then, your secret codes travel through a super secure tunnel to that superhero server. The server changes your online location and sends your secret codes on their way to the internet.

This way, you get to be safe and secret online! Nobody can snoop on you, and you can even pretend to be in different places, which can be super useful for some things, like watching movies or beating tricky online game opponents.

Remember, some tough internet bosses might know you're using a VPN, but they still can't figure out what you're doing because of the super-secret codes. So, you stay safe and sound.

Is There Anything I Need to Be Careful About?

Well, not all VPNs are created equal. Some might promise to protect you but actually spy on you. So, choosing a good VPN that promises not to keep any records of your online adventures is essential.

Also, ensure your VPN has robust security features and a "kill switch" to protect you if the connection suddenly goes wonky. You want a VPN that's been checked out and recommended by trustworthy experts.

So, in simple words, a VPN is like a superhero cloak for your internet, keeping you safe and secret while you explore the online world!